December 2011 : David Gouten, Gisèle Rufer, Thierry Nataf, etc

Xavier de Roquemaurel makes a smooth transition from fashion (Ermenegildo Zegna) to watches (MGI Luxury Group) as Vice President Brand Marketing for Ebel and Concord, whose President Loek Oprinsen has entrusted him with developing and implementing marketing projects for the
two brands.
Gisèle Rufer celebrated in 2011 the 15th anniversary of her Delance brand, imbued with a profoundly feminine philosophy embodied through ladies’ models featuring original organic shapes. All those with a taste for powerful messages will appreciate the simulator available on the company website.
Thierry Nataf, who paid a visit to the Belles Montres exhibition in Paris, is devoting his experience of revitalising dormant brands (particularly in the watch industry) keen to be rejuvenated. He is now President and CEO of The Consulting Company, based in the City of Light while featuring an extensive international network.