Sapphire and diamond beaded tassel watch 40.62 carats of diamonds, 332.13 carats of sapphires, one-of-a-kind creation
This is not a piece of jewelry… it’s a watch ! Or perhaps the other way round. In a remarkable display of jewelry-making virtuosity, Graff revisits the concept of the secret watch with this precious hybrid and multifaceted object. This jewelry watch can be transformed at will and worn in three ways : as a single piece or, thanks to the system enabling the wearer to detach certain elements, as lighter brooches. Hidden at the heart of a pendant composed of sapphire beads, a full-set diamond dial suspends time from a dainty platinum chain. This delightfully flowing and perpetually mobile secret watch studs time with more than 330 carats of sapphires and around 40 carats of diamonds magnificently set according to a daring design. All the more reason to believe that this one-of-a-kind creation is not a piece of jewelry nor indeed a watch, but a sheer masterpiece of refinement.